What is the size of a soul?
Is it possible to define the dimensions of the soul? According to the Vedas and Upanishads, the soul is described as being minute, even smaller than an atom. However, these descriptions only suggest that the soul is smaller than atoms and cannot be seen with the naked eye.
The question then arises, what is the size or measurement of the soul? There must be some ‘size’ to the soul. Let’s understand this with the evidence from the Vedas (Upanishads).
The size of the soul is most clearly stated in the Shvetashvataropanishad of the Krishna Yajurveda –
“Valagrashatabhagasya shatadha kalpitasya cha. Bhago jivah sa vijneyah sa chanantyaya kalpate.”
Shvetashvataropanishad 5.9
This means that if the tip of the hair is divided into a hundred parts, and then one of those parts is again divided into a hundred parts, that one part is considered to be the size of the soul. And it is capable of being infinite.
The average diameter of human hair is 0.017 to 0.18 millimeters (mm) (Wikipedia), if we take the average, it is (0.017+0.18)/2 = 0.0985 mm.
Therefore, accepting the evidence of Shvetashvataropanishad 5.9, if we calculate the size of the soul, then the hair is divided into 100 parts and then again into 100 parts, i.e., a total of 10,000 parts. The average diameter of the hair is 0.0985 mm. In this way, it is found from the Vedas that the size of the soul is 0.0985 mm/10,000 = 0.00000985 mm or 0.985 x 10-5 mm.
However, it is not appropriate to calculate in this way. Please note, it is not appropriate to calculate in this way. Still, some people, who are sticklers for detail and call themselves researchers, will tell the size of the soul in this way by accepting different sizes of hair. There are some questions for those who believe this, 1. Whose hair will you accept – human, elephant, horse, dog or donkey? Then 2. Even in these bodies, male or female body? Then 3. Hair of which part of the body – eye, hand, foot, forehead? Then 4. Thick or thin hair? We are asking these questions because the Vedas have only said ‘hair’, whose hair, what kind of hair, nothing has been said.
If Shvetashvataropanishad 5.9 is read carefully, then there comes the word ‘kalpitasya’ i.e., the Vedas are saying to imagine that the hundredth part is again divided into a hundred parts, that one part. Therefore, it should be thought that if it was possible to tell the size of the soul, then the Vedas would have clearly told. The intention of the Vedas in saying this is that it is not possible to clearly tell the size of the soul.
Why is it not possible to clearly tell the size of the soul? It is not possible to tell the size of the soul, because the soul is not a substance of Maya. Whatever we see, hear, touch or this world is made of Maya. We can only calculate the things made by Maya. The soul is divine. As we know that there are three elements –
“Ksharam pradhanamamritaksharam harah ksharatmanavishate dev ekah.”
Shvetashvataropanishad 1.10
This means that nature (Maya) is perishable, the soul that enjoys it is immortal in form. One God keeps both these perishable inanimate element and conscious soul under his rule.
This evidence makes it clear that Maya and soul are two different elements. Where Maya is enjoyable, perishable and inanimate element, the soul is the enjoyer (i.e., the one who enjoys), imperishable and conscious element. So how can the enjoyer and the enjoyable element be one? These two elements are opposite to each other. Therefore, how can the divine soul be known from the substance of Maya? Yes! You can guess, you can understand it with similes. Just as when a poet is unable to tell someone’s form, then he gives a simile, tries to understand by inference.
Like “Love is hidden in the letter as much as there are pearls in the sea” Now no one can tell love, (Narada Bhakti Sutra 51 ‘Anirvachaniyam premaswarupam॥’ i.e., the form of love cannot be told.) Because it is a thing to be experienced. Therefore, the poet gives a simile and says that as many pearls are in the sea, so much love is hidden in your letter. Similarly, saints also do this when they have to tell the form of God. Like God is lotus-eyed (eye like lotus), his face is as bright as the sun, “Hari pad komal kamal se” – Here Hari (God)’s feet are told to be as soft as lotus, etc.
Therefore, the soul is divine and its size is like subtle, like an atom. The soul is not subtle or atomic. Keep in mind, there is a difference between ‘like’ and ‘the same’. The Vedas have told the size of the soul ‘atomic’ by giving a simile.