How to get freedom from Maya: A Theory of Achieving salvation

How to get freedom from Maya? How do I get freedom from all bonds? Do we get salvation and happiness forever? In other words, it can be said that how can the obstacles to attaining salvation can be eliminated? How can a human being become free from the bondages of Trikarma, Tridosha, Panchakosha, Kaal, etc.? Therefore, in this article, we will learn about these topics in detail.

End karma and attain salvation.

What is salvation? It was also told in the article that, due to the bondage of karma, humans are in the bondage of Maya. Therefore, some people want to be free from Maya on their own and say that “if a person stops doing karma, he will not be bound by the cycle of karma and results.

In this way, freedom from Maya, i.e., salvation, will be achieved automatically.” The logic sounds correct. But it is not right! If we have lied even once or committed any evil action even once in one birth, then we have had infinite births. We will continue to enjoy the fruits of our infinite deeds until our infinite births.

Now, if we do not accept this argument,. So regarding karma, Gita 3.5 said, ‘Na hi kashchitkshanampi jatu tishtatyakarmakrit, i.e., “No human being, in any state, can remain without doing karma, even for a moment.” That means every moment, man is doing work. Because Gita 18.15 said ‘Sharirvaammanobhiryatkarma’ i.e.,

“The action performed with body, speech, and mind is karma.” That is, body-subsistence-related activities like sleep, contemplation, etc., and activities like samadhi, etc. are all karma. Read about Karma in detail: What is karma? What is the definition of karma? – Geeta

As a result, we are constantly doing karma. We are becoming more bound by the bondage of karma. Therefore, the logic of ending karma by experiencing it is wrong. As far as the matter of getting free from Maya by one’s own strength is concerned,. So Kathopanishad said,

महतः परमव्यक्तमव्यक्तात्पुरुषः परः।
पुरुषान्न परं किंचित्सा काष्ठा सा परा गतिः॥
– कठोपनिषद् १.३.११

Meaning: God’s latent Maya power is stronger than the living soul; Parampurush (God Himself) is superior to the latent Maya; there is nothing better than Parampurush God. He is the ultimate duration and speed of everything.

Shvetashvataro Upanishad 4.10 said, ‘Mayan tu prakritim vidyanmayinam ca maheshvaram.’ That is, “Maya should be understood as Prakriti, and Mayapati (the Lord of Maya) should be understood as Maheshwar (the Great God).”

According to Shvetashvataro Upanishad 4.10, Maya is to be understood as Prakriti and Mayapati as Maheshwar (the Great God). Hence, it is proven that Maya is the power of God, and the soul is under the influence of Maya. As a result, the soul cannot liberate itself from Maya through its own strength. To achieve salvation, one must seek refuge in God, as stated in the Geeta.

दैवी ह्येषा गुणमयी मम माया दुरत्यया।
मामेव ये प्रपद्यन्ते मायामेतां तरन्ति ते॥
– गीता ७.१४

That is, this divine (supernatural) triune (with sattvik, rajas, and tamas qualities) illusion of mine is very difficult to overcome. Those who worship only Me continuously get rid of this illusion, i.e., they get rid of the world.

Therefore, one can attain salvation by taking refuge in God; there is no other way. If we want salvation, we will have to take refuge in God and worship Him continuously.

How do you free yourself from all bonds?

Many types of bondages (Trikarma, Tridosha, Panchakosh, etc.) are described in the path of attaining salvation. And it is also true that unless one gets freedom from all bonds, it is impossible to attain salvation. But all these types of bondages are under the influence of Maya.

Therefore, freedom from Maya means freedom from all types of bondage. Therefore, in the Upanishads, Geeta, Puranas, etc., the same thing has been said in two ways: by knowing God, one will get freedom from all bondages, and by knowing God, one will get freedom from Maya.

Like Kathopanishad 2.3.8 said, ‘Yam Gyatva Muchyate, i.e., “By knowing Him (God), the soul becomes free.” And Shvetashvataro Upanishad 4.16 said, ‘Gyatva Devam Muchyate Sarvapaashai’ i.e., “Knowing Him, (man) is freed from all bondages.” Therefore, if one wants to be free from all the bondages like Trikarma, Tridosha, Panchakosha, Kaal, etc., then one has to know God. In other words, God has to be achieved.

Attainment of salvation through meditation

Meditation is necessary to attain God. Only by continuously meditating on God! By the grace of God, man attains liberation (moksha). Regarding this subject, it is said in the Upanishads:

न संदृशे तिष्ठति रूपमस्य न चक्षुषा पश्यति कश्चनैनम्।
हृदा मनीषा मनसाऽभिक्लृप्तो य एतद्विदुरमृतास्ते भवन्ति॥
– कठोपनिषद् २.३.९

Meaning: The real form of this God is not visible to you as a visible object, no one can see it with naked eyes. One who is engaged in meditation by repeatedly thinking with his mind, is seen with a pure and calm heart and with a pure intellect. Those who know this (God) become the embodiment of nectar (bliss).

क्षरं प्रधानममृताक्षरं हरः क्षरात्मानावीशते देव एकः।
तस्याभिध्यानाद्योजनात्तत्त्वभावात् भूयश्चान्ते विश्वमायानिवृत्तिः॥
– श्वेताश्वतरोपनिषद् १.१०

Meaning:- Nature is perishable, the soul that experiences it is indestructible in the form of nectar. One God keeps both these perishable inanimate elements and the animate soul under his control. (Therefore, by knowing it in this way) by continuously meditating on it, keeping the mind engaged in it and becoming absorbed in it, in the end (it is achieved) and then all the illusions are eliminated.

Pay attention, ‘meditation’ is a function of the mind. That is why Brahmabindu Upanishad 2, Shatyayaniyo Upanishad 1 said, ‘Man eva manushanaam karanam bandhamokshayoh.’ That is, “Mind is the cause of human bondage and salvation.” That is why repeated meditation is called Upanishad, Geeta, Purana etc. Without meditation, liberation (moksha) is not possible. Therefore, it is necessary to meditate even while chanting the name of God. Read in detail – How to do Hari Naam Sankirtan? – According to Purana and Ramayana.

Do we get salvation and happiness forever?

Some people say that there is a period of salvation. That means liberation is only for some time; after that, one will have to come back to the world of Maya. And some people think that happiness does not last forever. But this is not true. If there is a period of salvation,! So why should we work so hard to become free from Maya? Stay in this world.

Those who say this should read the Upanishads. Shwetashvataro Upanishad 4.14 said ‘Jyatva Shivam Shantimatyantameti’ i.e., “Knowing Maheshwar as the embodiment of well-being, one attains everlasting peace.”

Shvetashvataro Upanishad 6.12 said, ‘Tamatmasthaam Yeinupashyanti Dheerasthesham Sukham Shashwatam Netaresham.’ i.e., “Only those patient persons who keep looking at the Lord situated in the heart attain everlasting bliss, and not others.” Therefore, the Upanishads say that salvation and happiness are attained forever.

Some people think that one can be free from sorrow even without attaining God. But this cannot happen. Because Shvetashvataro Upanishad said,

यदा चर्मवदाकाशं वेष्टयिष्यन्ति मानवाः।
तदा देवमविज्ञाय दुःखस्यान्तो भविष्यति॥
– श्वेताश्वतरोपनिषद् ६.१९

That is, when human beings are able to wrap the sky like leather, the world of sorrow will come to an end, even without knowing the Supreme God.

What I mean to say is that just as it is completely impossible for a human being to wrap the sky like leather, this work cannot be done even by all the humans together. Similarly, without knowing or achieving God, no living being can cross this ocean of sorrow.

Therefore, to get freedom from sorrow forever and to attain happiness forever, man has to meditate on God continuously with a calm mind. Then God will be attained, and only then will one attain freedom from Maya, or salvation.

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