Glory to the Name of God: According to the Vedas, Puranas and Ramayana - Temples Info

Glory to the Name of God: According to the Vedas, Puranas and Ramayana

What is the incomparable glory of God’s name? The Vedas, Puranas, and Ramayana extol Mahima. Is this glory most prominent in Kali Yuga only?

The glory of God’s name has been preached by many saints and even by the Vedas, the Puranas, and the Ramayana. Some people think that the glory of God’s name is only in the Kali Yuga; the rest of the three yugas used to get everything without a name. But it isn’t so at all. The rules that are in place today were in place before and will continue to be in place.

That is why Tulsidas Ji proclaimed in the Shriramcharitmanas Balakand, “Chauk Jug Tinikal Tihu Loka.” This signifies that chanting the name of God brings solace to all living beings across the four ages, three times, and three worlds. The glory of God’s name transcends through all ages, as seen with Naradji and Prahladji worshipping Narayan.

Indeed, in the Satayuga, Tretayuga, and Dvapara Yuga, the names Narayana, Narasimha, and Rama were highly revered. As Krishna’s departure marked the end of Dvapara Yuga and the onset of Kali Yuga, his name became prominent. In this current age of Kali Yuga, individuals have been blessed with a wealth of names and divine pastimes of Shri Hari. This leads us to ponder on the significance embedded within God’s name. Gauranga Mahaprabhu sheds light on this matter by stating:

पूर्ण शुद्धो नित्य मुक्तो,अभिन्न त्वान्नाम नामिनोह।
– पद्म पुराण और श्री चैतन्य चरितामृत मध्य लीला १७.१३३

Meaning: Harinama is perfect, pure, and eternal. There is no difference between Hari and Harinama.

नाम्नामकारि बहुधा निज सर्व शक्ति-स्तत्रार्पिता नियमितः स्मरणे न कालः।
एतादृशी तव कृपा भगवन्ममापि दुर्दैवमीदृशमिहाजनि नानुरागः॥
– शिक्षाष्टकम् २

Meaning: O Lord, You have infused Your power in many of Your names, which can be remembered at any time. O God, you are so kind, but I am so unlucky that I do not love those names.

That is, there is no difference between God and His name because He has put all His power in His name. It can be remembered at any time. On the glory of the bhajan and naam-kirtan of the Lord, Sutji said in the Padma Puran:

स्वयं नारायणो देवः स्वनाम्नि जगतां गुरुः।
आत्मनोऽभ्यधिकां शक्तिं स्थापयामास सुव्रताः॥२४॥
– पद्म पुराण खण्ड ३ (स्वर्गखण्ड) अध्याय ५०

Meaning: (Sutaji said) Maharishis who observe the best fast! Jagadguru Bhagwan Narayan has established more power than himself in his own name.

तस्माद्यत्नेन वै विष्णुं कर्मयोगेन मानवः॥३४॥
कर्मयोगार्च्चितो विष्णुः प्रसीदत्येव नान्यथा।
तीर्थादप्यधिकं तीर्थं विष्णोर्भजनमुच्यते॥३६॥
– पद्म पुराण खण्ड ३ (स्वर्गखण्ड) अध्याय ५०

Meaning: Therefore, it is proper for man to worship Lord Vishnu diligently through Karmayoga. Lord Vishnu is pleased only when worshipped through Karmayoga, not otherwise. The bhajan of Lord Vishnu is said to be more sacred than the Tirthas.

In the Kali Yuga, there is more name glory because:

कलेर्दोषनिधे राजन्नस्ति ह्येको महान्गुणः।
कीर्तनादेव कृष्णस्य मुक्तसङ्गः परं व्रजेत्॥
– भागवत १२.३.५१

Meaning: Verified! This Kaliyuga is a treasure trove of defects, but there is a great quality to it. That quality is that in Kaliyuga, only by doing the sankirtana of Lord Krishna are all attachments released, and God is attained.

कलिजुग जोग न जग्य न ग्याना। एक अधार राम गुन गाना॥
सब भरोस तजि जो भज रामहि। प्रेम समेत गाव गुन ग्रामहि॥३॥
सोइ भव तर कछु संसय नाहीं। नाम प्रताप प्रगट कलि माहीं॥
– श्रीरामचरितमानस उत्तरकाण्ड

Meaning: In the Kali Yuga, there is neither yoga nor yajna nor knowledge. The praise of Shri Ramji is the only basis. Therefore, there is no doubt that the one who worships Sri Ramji and sings his virtues with love is washed away by the ocean. The glory of the name is evident in the Kali Yuga.

Since the intellect of the men of Kali Yuga is very weak, knowledge does not last long, and without knowledge, man cannot achieve his goal (attainment of bliss, divine love, or service to God). So the simplest way was told to the creatures of the name glory. On the glory of the name of God, the Anadi Veda says:

षोडषैतानि नामानि द्वत्रिन्षद्वर्णकानि हि।
कलौयुगे महामंत्र: सम्मतो जीव तारिणे॥
– अथर्ववेद अनंत संहिता

Meaning: The chanting of the Mahamantra, consisting of sixteen names and thirty-two characters, is the only remedy for the salvation of living beings in the Kali Yuga.

हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे।
हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे॥
इति षोडशकं नाम्नां कलिकल्मषनाशनम्।
नातः परतरोपायः सर्ववेदेषु दृश्यते॥
– कलिसन्तरणोपनिषद्

Meaning: (One meaning of hare is also Sri hari.) (Brahma is saying to Narada): Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama, Rama, Hare Hare. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Hare Hare. This chanting of the sixteen Mahamantras is capable of destroying tribulation in the Kali Yuga. Apart from this mantra, there is no other remedy for salvation in the Kali Yuga anywhere in the four Vedas.

राम नाम मनिदीप धरु जीह देहरीं द्वार।
तुलसी भीतर बाहेरहुँ जौं चाहसि उजिआर॥
– श्रीरामचरितमानस बालकाण्ड

Meaning: Tulsidas says, If you want light both inside and outside, then place a gem-lamp in the form of Rama on the lifelike door of the mouth-shaped door.

रामं दूर्वादलश्यामं पद्माक्षं पीतवाससम्।
स्तुवन्ति नामभिर्दिव्यैर्न ते संसारिणो नर:॥
– श्रीरामरक्षास्त्रोत्रम् २५

Meaning: Like Durvadal, Shyam Varna, Kamal-Nayan, and Pitambardhari, the one who praises Shri Ram with the above divine names does not fall in the world cycle.

राम रामेति रामेति रमे रामे मनोरमे।
सहस्रनाम तत्तुल्यं रामनाम वरानने॥
– श्रीरामरक्षास्त्रोत्रम् ३८

Meaning: O Lord! Rama’s name is similar to Vishnu Sahasranam. I always chant the name of Shri Ram.

Here’s the summary: The gracious Lord knows that “the living entity is subject to maya, and the cow dung is taken to the mind. So everyone knows it. That is, the subjects of the senses, and as far as the mind goes, O brother! I love to know them all. Therefore, the living entity under Maya cannot contemplate My Divine.”

Therefore, the Lord poured all His energy into His name so that the living entities could contemplate Him with love and reverence. As a result, they can get liberation (moksha), divine love, etc. from Maya.

But now the question is, what is the meaning of the name? Is it only with the senses, or only with the mind, or with the mind and senses? Read on to learn how to do Hari Naam Sankirtan. from the mind or the senses, according to the Puranas and the Ramayana.

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