Hare Krishna, friends near and far! Recently, I shared some thoughts with a curious group of young students, their ages a mosaic from class five to the verge of college. And today, I’m excited to extend this conversation to you.

In the spirit of openness and camaraderie, let’s embark on this shared exploration. Have you ever pondered, amidst the daily hum of life, who truly holds the title of your best friend? Or even more tellingly, who could be labeled your most formidable adversary?
Dual Nature of the Mind
This very question sparked a wave of laughter among those earnest students, proving that even in our most lighthearted moments, profound truths can stir. It was Sri Krishna, in the texts reverently unwrapped from the Srimad Bhagavad Gita, who spoke of this enigma – a singular personality who seamlessly morphs from friend to foe. Let’s delve in and reveal just who this shape-shifter is: none other than the mind.
Understandably, this might come as a bit of a surprise. So let’s unpack it further. According to ancient scriptures, we’re composed of different layers. At the base is the gross body or ‘Dasul Sharif,’ fashioned from five natural elements – the visible vessel that carries our essence. Above this is the subtle body or ‘Sukshm Sharif,’ an intricate weave of mind (‘man‘), intellect (‘buddhi‘), and ego (‘ahankar‘). And finally, perched atop is the spirit soul, the ethereal self beyond the physical and mental.
For now, let’s spotlight the mind and intellect, these two intricately linked yet distinct entities within our subtle frame. A simple example might elucidate their dance; imagine you’re perched on the brink of exam week. Your intellect meticulously strategizes, urging you to hit the books. In stark contrast, your mind lures you into the siren call of social media, tempting you down a rabbit hole of endless scrolling. The intellect draws lines between right and wrong, while the mind plays the siren, its call alluring but not necessarily aligned with our best interests.
And it is in this divergence we find society’s ills – crimes, violence, and other dark chapters that often trace back to uncontrolled, impulsive thoughts. The imperative then is clear: bridging the chasm between recognition and discipline. You know it well, the silent promise of becoming an early riser that whispers at night, only to be forsaken at dawn.
The Bhagavad Gita likens the mind to a monkey, eminently restless, never still even for a single minute, perpetually swinging from thought to thought. If you grew up in India, you might recall the ‘Madariwala’ dances, where a ‘Madari’ would exhibit a monkey’s choreographed antics. If such an untamed creature can be led, then surely we can harness our mental monkeys too.

Then comes the burning question: How? How did the Madari bring these lively creatures to heel? Training. Diligent, dedicated training. And thus, we must apply the same principle to shape and strengthen our minds. Now, lest you think this calls for grand sacrifices or ascetic feats, take heart. The process for our age – the age of Kalyuga – is reassuringly straightforward. The answer? Hariranam, or the repetition of Lord Hari’s sacred names.
With a plethora of mantras available, how do we choose? Let’s use an apt metaphor. Given a choice between a bus and an airplane to a distant destination, the latter is chosen for efficiency and comfort. Similarly, from the many spiritual paths that lead to Krishna, the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra pierces straight to the goal. This powerful sixteen-word sacred phrase acts as an express vehicle, catapulting you from the material to the spiritual realm without detour.
The Hare Krishna Maha-mantra, a cascade of divine syllables – Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare. Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare
, is our transcendent ticket, our profound chant that promises elevation from the mundane to the sacred.
With every chant, ignite your energy, your entire being, and perhaps, if done with pure devotion, charm Krishna himself. Don’t wait for an auspicious moment to begin; seize the present and render it perfect through the power of his name. Start chanting, immerse yourself in this sublime experience, and I invite you to share your journey with me.
Together, let’s tame our mental monkeys, embrace our inner tranquility, and embark on a pilgrimage to Krishna’s eternal embrace. Start today, and let the vibrancy of your chants echo the sincerity of your quest.
From a young student’s playful insights to the depth of Vedic wisdom, we’ve traversed the spectrum of understanding the mind. A friend when bridled, a foe when wild, it is within our reach to transform our mind from a relentless monkey into a harmonized companion on the spiritual path. As we continue this shared journey, let the words of the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra be our guide, and may we all find the divine connections we seek in every utterance and every breath.